How to Make £100 a Day, Every Day

How toMake £100 a Day, Every Day , Selling Collectors’ Stamps on eBay Before we start, let me ask you to put preconceived notions to one side and forget what you’ve heard about stamp dealers having to know about tiny differences between two identical looking stamps that make one item worthless and its partner worth millions of pounds. Forget about perforations and watermarks, gutter pairs and Stanley Gibbons. Those things are very important, but only if you have thousands of pounds to risk attempting to make many more thousands or even millions of pounds every year from collectable stamps-and sometimes failing abysmally. But those things matter little or nothing to someone wanting to make a guaranteed one hundred pounds per day selling to tens of millions of stamp collectors all over the world. The only few words that matter for this money-making opportunity are ‘album page’, ‘stamps’ and the country or subject of whatever stamps you are listing. That’s ...